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"eProcurement - A Margin Making Opportunity!"
IGM - SIGMA Magazine - May | June, 2020
“Paying attention to revenue growth and making sure the entire organization is also focused on sales is critical. From the clerk to the CEO, everyone needs to be selling. Upselling, managing promotions, and maintaining the margins are all important activities. Are you doing all you can to maintain or even grow margins?”

"Building Supplier Relationships"
BATeam Blog - December, 2019
“We need relationships in order to win. Teams are built around the development of relationships, whether it be our personal team (family), or our professional team (work). Internal and external relationships help us parlay our knowledge and create exponential opportunity.”
Todd Jenney
“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care,” is the philosophy that shaped Todd’s management style. This philosophy led him to invest in team building to generate leadership involvement that ultimately inspired employees.
Todd has worked all facets of the grocery store business from carryout boy to CEO. Todd retired as CEO of Martin & Bayley, Inc. (dba Huck’s) in May of 2018 after 47 years in the C-Store/Grocery industry. He led this 100% Employee Owned Company to perform well even during the challenging economic downturn when many convenience stores were closing their doors or selling out to the larger chains. Huck’s thrived thanks to Jenney’s ability to keep the company focused on its core business model and core values that brought Huck’s to the forefront in the C-Store Industry. Prior to Huck’s, Jenney was the Vice President of Operations for Crown Central Petroleum in the Southeast.
A Background in Team Building and Motivational Events
Todd’s management style is rooted in the belief that when employees feel passionate about their environment, they work harder. This premise led Todd to create an Executive Leadership Ranch – a 2-day event featuring rodeo-oriented activities (think cattle drives, goat tying, and lassoing). Team competitions, although centered around farming animals, at their core incorporated training and development that interjected large doses of motivation-related activities. This fun-filled training helped leaders deliver an “employee experience” at their individual locations.
In addition to team building, Jenney is extremely well-versed in P & L Improvement, Initiative Programs – Revenue Building, Cost Cutting, Employee Stock Ownership Programs, Planning and Forecasting, Marketing, Training, Gaming in C-Stores, and Warehouse Operations – Self Distribution.
Todd is passionate about his commitment to continue to grow and serve the C-Store industry.
An Insider Perspective on Employee Owned Companies and Philanthropy
When Huck’s became employee owned, Todd enjoyed watching his associates grasp what that meant. Employees who understood that they are “part owners” rise to the top and are there for the duration – watching a cashier lead the organization after years of hard work is awe-inspiring. Another inspiration was the “Karing for Kids” philanthropy program that he embraced and grew to $500,000 in annual donations by involving suppliers and other influences of support beyond the employee base.
Intellectual Capital Available in a Customizable Format
“Take the High Road” are five principles that have guided Todd’s management style to the degree that they are printed on his business card. The five principles center around care, risks, dreams, expectations, and work. These same principles are evident in his personal life too.
Todd is a committed husband of 40 years, father, and grandfather who enjoys family, traveling, photography, sports and church.